Every mother wants to understand their child's personality as early as possible. Our beautifully crafted books provide insightful descriptions of the baby's Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs. To get this mini-star chart reading, simply enter their name, date of birth, birth time, place of birth, and gender. Our books help new moms connect with and nurture their little ones by uncovering their innate characteristics and potential. This makes the perfect grandma gift!

Each book is made from the baby's birth data

With 1700+ possible Primal Triad combos, all our books are unique and lovingly crafted by Astrochildren in the US.

Devon T., Psychologist:

"Astrochildren's books are just great fun! They help my children to know, and to talk, about their own strength and begin to cultivate their interests."

Lorilee L.

"I had tears in my eyes when I got the Deluxe Baby Book Gift Set for my grandchild. So beautiful!"

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