How To Find Your Child's Sun, Moon, And Rising Sign Without Astrochildren

How To Find Your Child's Sun, Moon, And Rising Sign Without Astrochildren

As a loving and curious mom, you are undoubtedly eager to understand your child at a deeper level and support their growth in every way possible. Astrology can be a valuable tool in unraveling the mysteries of your child's personality and emotions. The Sun sign represents the core of your child's personality. Still, the Moon will paint a picture of your child's emotional language and can help you provide the emotional support and comfort they need. The Rising sign then translates both energies to the world and shows how your child will easily interact with others.

But how do you find your child's personal Astro trio?

One of the most popular and reliable websites for exploring astrological charts is This blog post will guide you through finding the Sun, Moon, and Rising signs on

1. Navigate to

2. Click on the hamburger in the upper left corner and click "Free Horoscopes."

3. Click on "Horoscope Drawing and Data"

4. Click on "Chart Drawing, Ascendent."

5. Click on "Enter birth data."

6. Fill out the form. The birth hour and minutes are crucial information for finding the Rising sign and sometimes even the Moon. Make sure that you have the correct information.

7. Click Continue to see the chart: The Sun Sign and Rising Sign are in red in the upper left corner. You have to go to the second line in the box below for the Moon. Usually, only the first three letters of the moon sign are displayed. Still, it's easy to figure out: Ari is Aries, Cap is Capricorn, etc.

Now, the journey of discovery begins. Explore the characteristics and meanings associated with each sign. Any astrology website or book will tell you its fundamental meanings. The Astro Trio will describe your child's personality, emotions, and interactions with the world.

Happy exploring!

If you like to know more and go deeper into the symbols, order a custom children's book with interpretations of your child's Astro trio and a professional Child report at




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